Friday, September 17, 2010

The Big Block of chocolate

Miss Jenny brought some chocolate a great big block of chocolate.She said" This block of chocolate is mine and ALL for me."Just the very sight of it brings back the taste delight of it but later secretly."Her big dog found the chocolate the great big block of chocolate is mine and ALL for me."Just the very sight of it brings back the taste delight of it. I'll savour every bite of it-but later, secretly". Her fat cat found the chocolate, the great big block of chocolate is mine and ALL for me."Just the very sight of it brings back the taste delight of it-but later secretly".A magpie found the chocolate, the great big block of chocolate. She said,"This block of chocolate is mine and ALL for me."Just the very sight of it brings back the taste delight of it but later,secretly". The hot sun found the chocolate the great big block of chocolate.It shone down on the chocolate,which trickled down the tree. One small ant found the chocolate, the great big stream of chocolate. He sang out, "brother! !chocolate! Come and share with me. Just the very sight of it brings back the taste delight of it. we'll savour every bite of it but right now, gleefully."

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