This term, we have been leaning about disasters which are Tsunamis,Volcanoes and Earthquakes.
We have been going to other places like One Tree Hill and Ruapotaka school. We went to One Tree Hill because we had to learn more about volcanoes,and when we got there we saw three craters and also one of them had molten rock in it and that was the third one. When it was disaster day it was time to go to Ruapotaka school to practice when a REAL Tsunami is going to happen.When we got there we had to sit in a small hall and had to watch one of the movies that showed us that a volcano had just erupted under the sea.Then we saw billowing ash cloud rushing towards us and it gave us a shock,it made us jump.Then they told us that the tsunami had finished.
The thing we enjoyed the most was going to One Tree Hill because we got to do fun things like capture the flag and watch a movie that was all about One Tree Hill and Sir John Logan Campbell.